US proposes new tariffs on EU products over Airbus subsidies

Young journalists club

News ID: 37632
Publish Date: 10:59 - 09 April 2019
TEHRAN, Apr 09 - The US on Monday threatened to impose tariff counter-measures of up to $11.2 billion on a host of European products in response to subsidies received by aircraft maker Airbus.

US proposes new tariffs on EU products over Airbus subsidies

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - For more than 14 years, Washington and Brussels have accused each other of unfairly subsidizing Boeing and Airbus, respectively, in a tit-for-tat dispute.

In a statement Monday, the office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) said the World Trade Organization (WTO) had repeatedly found that European subsidies to Airbus have caused adverse effects to the United States.

"This case has been in litigation for 14 years, and the time has come for action," said US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer.

"Our ultimate goal is to reach an agreement with the EU to end all WTO-inconsistent subsidies to large civil aircraft. When the EU ends these harmful subsidies, the additional US duties imposed in response can be lifted."

The statement added that the final amount it would seek in duties was subject to arbitration at the WTO, the result of which was expected in the summer.

The USTR issued a 14-page document with a preliminary list of products being considered for additional tariffs, including helicopters, civilian planes and aircraft parts.
It also included food products such as swordfish, salmon, cheeses, fruits, olive oil and wines.

Source: AFP

US ، eu ، tariff
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