Norway does not consider Russia as a threat — prime minister

Young journalists club

News ID: 37715
Publish Date: 16:44 - 10 April 2019
TEHRAN, Apr 10 - Norway does not consider Russia as a threat to its national security despite the Nordic country's special geographic position in the region, Prime Minister Erna Solberg told Ekho Moskvy radio station on Tuesday.

Norway does not consider Russia as a threat — prime ministerTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - "We do not think there is a direct threat to Norway from Russia," Solberg said adding that this is important in understanding the country's position on national defense issues.

She noted that Russia has to consider the importance of Norway's geographic position.

"We don't believe that there will be an aggression against us but we also understand the peculiarities of our geographic location. We are a member of NATO, and our geographic position clearly has great significance for Russia. However, we don't feel a threat from Russia," Solberg said.

Russia is now actively defending its interests on the international arena, while Norway believes in inter-state cooperation, the prime minister stressed. "I believe in active economic cooperation, and I am skeptical about nationalism which, it seems to me, is flourishing in Russia now," she explained.

Earlier on Tuesday Solberg met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg. She is currently in Russia to participate in the 5th International Arctic Forum "The Arctic: Territory of Dialogue."

Source: Tass



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