WikiLeaks's Assange too ill to appear via video link in extradition hearing

Young journalists club

News ID: 40085
Publish Date: 14:25 - 30 May 2019
TEHRAN, May 30 - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is too ill to appear via a video link from a British prison in a hearing on an extradition request from the United States, his lawyer said on Thursday.

WikiLeaks's Assange too ill to appear via video link in extradition hearingTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The United States has requested the extradition of Assange, who was dragged from the Ecuadorean embassy in London on April 11. He faces a total of 18 U.S. criminal counts with decades in prison if convicted.

"He's in fact far from well," Assange's lawyer, Gareth Peirce, said.

Judge Emma Arbuthnot said: "He's not very well."

WikiLeaks said it had grave concerns about Assange's health and that he had been moved to a health ward at Britain's Belmarsh prison. His health has deteriorated in prison and he has lost a lot of weight, WikiLeaks said.

The next hearing on the extradition request was set for June 12.

Source: Reuters

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