France reviews police methods after yellow vest protests

Young journalists club

News ID: 40797
Publish Date: 16:44 - 17 June 2019
TEHRAN, Jun 17 - France's interior minister on Monday launched a review of police methods used to control demonstrations since the emergence of the "yellow vest" movement whose weekly protests have often turned violent.

France reviews police methods after yellow vest protestsTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Interior Minister Christophe Castaner defended the way in which police have handled the protests but asked a specially-chosen panel of some 15 experts to develop new ideas for managing demonstrations.

The yellow vest movement, which emerged last year to denounce the policies of President Emmanuel Macron, has held weekly protests across France for the past seven months.

On some occasions -- especially in Paris -- protests have degenerated into pitched battles on the streets with police, with both sides trading accusations of violence.

"I want to hear what you think about the use of force, about the arms we use and what some call 'police violence'," Castaner told the experts who include a prosecutor, a sociologist and security figures.

Source: AFP

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