Iran Energy Exchange operational tomorrow

Young journalists club

News ID: 421
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 9:40 - 09 March 2013
Head of Iran’s Securities and Exchange Organization has said that the country’s fourth exchange will start operation in energy.

Ali Salehabadi said "The country’s fourth exchange is starting operation at a time when besides coal and tar, it will also have electricity as guest.”

"According to latest preparations between the Energy Exchange and the Ministry of Energy, it was settled that electricity as one of the most prominent energy carriers will be offered as well in the market’s first day,” stated Salehabadi.

Head of Securities and Exchange Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran asserted "All brokers with certificate for exchange transact in the Securities and Exchange Organization will be able to deal in energy carriers.”

The Energy Exchange will be operational tomorrow as the fourth Iranian exchange market with Ministers of Economy and Energy, Head of Securities and Exchange Organization, Majlis members, and top monetary officials.

Published: 1
Under Review: 2
08:11 03 May 1392
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