Turkish President to discuss Sweden's support to PKK

Young journalists club

News ID: 458
Publish Date: 12:51 - 11 March 2013
Turkish President Gul arrived Sweden at an invitation by Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf on Sunday afternoon and met reporters covering his trip at his hotel. We will put our demands, expectations, complaints into words, Turkish President Abdullah Gul said.
"We will put our demands, expectations, complaints into words," Turkish President Abdullah Gul said.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul said he had no worries towards the national solidarity as he met Turkish journalists and replied questions on solution process in Turkey.

Gul was asked if he was having concerns about the national solidarity, integrity and unity and he noted, "I have no worries. To think the opposite is out of question too. Nobody does think in that way anyways. Works go ahead accordingly in this framework."

When asked if accusations to Sweden's "support" to PKK activities would be covered during his meetings, Turkish president said, "Terrorist organizations abuse the democracies of European countries and this country as they have broad understandings on human rights. Terror organizations take advantage of Europe. Of course we will cover these issues during our talks. We will put our demands, expectations, complaints into words."

He added, "First of all, they need to lay down arms. They should not use this period of time for propaganda purposes and do not hold psychological activities."

Upon another question President Gul said, he was hoping that everybody learned their lessons from that and the sides seem to have more tolerance.

"This kind of environment takes places for the first time. That is why I especially warn the other side saying as "do not make a mistake," said Gul.

* World Bulletin
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