Iran stands by Afghan government, people in boosting peace, security: Rouhani

Young journalists club

News ID: 46343
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 16:23 - 02 June 2020
Tehran, 02 June_Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the Islamic Republic's policy is to expand fraternal and friendly relations with all neighbors, including Afghanistan, expressing support for the promotion of peace, stability and security in the war-ravaged country.

Iran stands by Afghan government, people in boosting peace, security: RouhaniIran always stands by the Afghan government and nation in the promotion of peace, stability and security in the country, Rouhani said in a phone call with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Monday.

Iran's president hailed a power-sharing deal between Ghani and his rival, Abdullah Abdullah, and expressed hope that peace, stability and security would be reinforced in the country through joint efforts of all the government bodies and the Afghanistan High Peace Council (HPC).

Ghani and Abdullah, a former official and a rival to the incumbent president, signed a power-sharing deal on May 17 in a bid to put an end to a months-long feud that plunged the country into a political crisis.

In phone calls to Ghani and Abdullah on the same day that the deal was reached, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif welcomed the progress made in the national reconciliation process among all political groups in Afghanistan.

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