Over 21,000 Iranian lawyers condemn US sanctions as violation of human rights

Young journalists club

News ID: 46504
Publish Date: 12:17 - 15 June 2020
Monday, 15 June_Thousands of Iranian lawyers have signed a statement in condemnation of the US sanctions and its moves against human rights, calling on international organizations to strongly counter such measures.

Over 21,000 Iranian lawyers condemn US sanctions as violation of human rightsThe statement, signed by 21,333 lawyers and legal experts, argues that the United States' sanctions against the Iranian nation are anti-human, as they violate the most basic rights of human beings, especially under the current circumstances where the entire world is gripped by the novel coronavirus outbreak.

"While all other countries have mobilized all their resources to contain the spread of the disease and treat the patients, the Iranian nation is facing the virus on the one hand and the unfair, inhumane, and cruel US sanctions on the other hand," the statement said.

"Today, American officials admit that their maximum pressure has been designed to target the civilian population and the innocent people with the purpose of sowing public dissatisfaction with the ruling system of Iran," it added.

The statement said Washington's inhumane approach to continue anti-Iran sanctions and its preconditions for the sale of medicine and medical equipment to Iran even at the time of the COVID-19 outbreak are in violation of humanitarian issues and must be strongly condemned.

It said the US measures are against the international rules and regulations, as sanctions that prevent nations from accessing medicine and food directly endanger the right to live and the lives of human beings, which are the most basic human rights.

While American officials claim food, medicine and other humanitarian supplies are exempt from the sanctions imposed by Washington, the US measures targeting everything from oil sales to shipping and financial activities have deterred foreign banks from doing business with Iran, including humanitarian deals.

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