Regional security possible only once Israel demolished

Young journalists club

News ID: 4757
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:46 - 03 August 2014
Tehran, YJC. Prominent cleric says it is necessary to arm Gaza.

"The crimes which the child-killing Israeli regime committed these few days are so heinous that they clarified evermore the nature of that bloody regime to all, making it clear that regional security will not come by unless Israel is demolished,” exclaimed ayatollah Nouri Hamedani in Qom.

Speaking in condemnation of US support for Israel he added "We sincerely ask for the international community, the UN and the Islamic Conference included, to condemn the Israeli oppression as clearly as they can and to uphold the side of the oppressed.”

The ayatollah further said "We generally invite the Islamic community to lay aside their disagreements and to live in harmony.”

"As the Supreme Leader maintained we demand all to help arm the people of Gaza from all sides,” he added.

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