Lionel Messi stays at Barca for one more season

Young journalists club

News ID: 47728
Publish Date: 11:39 - 05 September 2020
Saturday, 05 September 2020_Lionel Messi ended intense speculation about his future on Friday, saying he will remain at Barcelona for another season.

Lionel Messi stays at Barca for one more seasonThe Argentine 6-time world player of the year, who had already asked to leave Barcelona on a free transfer after a trophyless season, finally broke his silence in an interview, to say that he’s going to continue with Barca because the club president told him the only way to leave, was to pay the 700 million euro release-clause, which is impossible.

The 33-year old superstar also said the option of dragging Barca into a legal battle has never crossed his mind, as he didn’t wish to go up against a club, where he has spent 20-years of his career. Therefore he will remain at Camp Nou for another season.

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