Palestinians lash out at Israel-Bahrain normalization agreement

Young journalists club

News ID: 47897
Publish Date: 8:51 - 12 September 2020
Saturday, 12 September 2020 _Palestinians have roundly condemned the newly announced agreement on normalizing ties between Israel and Bahrain, saying it is yet another “stab in the back” of Palestine by another Arab country after the occupying regime reached a similar deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) last month.

Palestinians lash out at Israel-Bahrain normalization agreementOn Friday, US President Donald Trump tweeted that the tiny Persian Gulf state of Bahrain had agreed to join the UAE in striking what he called a peace agreement to normalize relations with Tel Aviv, hailing the deal as yet another “HISTORIC breakthrough.”

The White House said Trump had tweeted out the news after speaking by phone to Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifah and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The American president also attached to a separate tweet a joint statement, whereby the three had agreed on and expressed commitment to “the establishment of full diplomatic relations between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain.”

Back on August 13, the UAE and Israel announced a US-brokered deal that laid the groundwork for the full normalization of their relations. The agreement met with uniform condemnation of all Palestinian factions, who called it a stab in the back of the Palestinians and sheer betrayal of their cause.

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