Nearly 50 Afghans killed in Taliban attacks over last week

Young journalists club

News ID: 47959
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 8:49 - 14 September 2020
Monday, 14 September 2020_A statement released by Afghanistan’s Defense Ministry says that the Taliban militants have carried out several attacks and bombings across 22 out of 34 provinces of the country on Saturday night alone.

Nearly 50 Afghans killed in Taliban attacks over last weekThe country's interior ministry also denounces the reluctance of the militant group of a ceasefire offer by the government, saying about 50 civilians have been killed and tens of others injured in Taliban attacks and bombings across the country over the last week.

This comes as the government forces have targeted a number of Taliban positions over the same period. Afghan government says it has also adopted all necessary measures to bring peace to the country.

The first round of Intra-Afghan talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban militant group was officially kicked off on Saturday in the Qatari capital Doha.

Representatives of both sides are negotiating on some key issues like achieving a lasting peace and minorities’ group. The talks were part of an agreement between the Taliban and the US back in February.

Afghans who are tired of decades of insecurity believe that any reluctance to the ceasefire offer will have dire consequences for the country. So, they call on the Taliban to take the offer seriously and rebuild its image among the public.

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