US world order: delusional fantasy or perverse reality?

Young journalists club

News ID: 48063
Publish Date: 11:41 - 18 September 2020
Friday, 18 September 2020_The American New World Order is based on both fantasy and reality. It is in fact a reality which way outstrips any fantasy hitherto portrayed. It has created far more disorder than order. Far too many countries have bowed to the will of the US, or fallen attempting to resist, or are suffering severe consequences as a result of not accepting a biased deal.

US world order: delusional fantasy or perverse reality?And now those nations are on a path to breaking US hegemony altogether. Iran is one such nation that has taken the helm.

The new world order was to be one of great power cooperation in the post cold-war era. At least that is how former US and Russian Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and George H.W. Bush had envisaged it. But with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, there was not much of an Eastern bloc left to join forces with the US, which was soon to become the world’s sole and irrefutable superpower.

How can the US, with a population of less than 330 million, which it is currently struggling to administer, possibly hope to administer a population of about 8 billion? It has tried by putting punishment before reward, and force before friendship.

But by imposing some form of sanctions on three major eastern states, it has only pushed them closer together. The result? A new Eastern Bloc is arising, in defiant juxtaposition to America, an alliance between Iran, Russia and China!

It might be time for the USA to adopt a different strategy with countries, such as Iran, who insist on their independence and matters of national sovereignty, a strategy of diplomacy and mutual respect.

The friend of our enemy is our enemy.

Washington is in no position to dictate its will on other countries If like minded, and similarly sanctioned by the USA, nations come together, they can fill each other’s needs while presenting a strong, united, and effective front in overcoming US bullying and interference.

Iran could not have normal ties with some countries, such as South Korea which has seized billions of dollars of Iranian assets in compliance with the unilaterally imposed US sanctions.

A country moving in the direction of US interests is no different from the Americans themselves. That is part of the US scheme against us. The friend of our enemy is definitely our enemy as they are showing hostility.

deal ، resist ، trump
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