Iran's Foreign Ministry: Israeli Nukes Biggest Threat to Region, Peace and Security

Young journalists club

News ID: 48302
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 9:59 - 27 September 2020
Sunday, 27 September 2020 (YJC)_ The Iranian Foreign Ministry called the Israeli nuclear warheads the biggest threat to the regional peace and security.

Iran's Foreign Ministry: Israeli Nukes Biggest Threat to Region, Peace and SecurityOn the occasion of the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Iran’s foreign ministry twitted: "In the region, the Israeli Regime, with its 10s of nukes, remains the biggest threat to peace and security and -supported by the US- prevents the Middle East from becoming a nuclear-weapon-free zone. Responsible nations should stand for a Nuke-Free-World,"

On another Twitter page, also, Iran’s Foreign Ministry highlighted the need to eliminate all nuclear weapons from planet earth, regretting the US unruly attitude toward global treaties which paves the way for more nuclear race.

“We believe in a peaceful and secure world, with no state possessing weapons of mass destruction," the ministry tweeted.

The foreign ministry also noted that the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons is an opportunity to re-express Iran's total rejection of all kinds of weapons of mass destruction.

"Unfortunately, the US regime’s disregard for international treaties and its plans to produce new nukes has brought the world closer to a new arms race, according to the message," wrote Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the UN chief, all States are responsible for ensuring that such deadly armaments eliminated completely from national arsenals.

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