Iran Covid-19 Update: 6,208 new cases, in a single day

Young journalists club

News ID: 49890
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:23 - 22 December 2020
Tuesday, 22 December 2020 (YJC)_Health Ministry Spokesperson announced novel Coronavirus infected 6,208 people and claimed 187lives in a single day.

Iran Covid-19 Update: 6,208 new cases, in a single dayOn her daily briefing Health Ministry Spokesperson, Sima Lari announced 6,208 new cases have been confirmed in the past 24 hours.

“The country’s total infections reached to 1,170,743, with the death toll standing at 54,003” Lari added.

She affirmed the new covid-19 infection toll saying that the results are based on over 7.14 million tests carried out across the country.

Lari said that 5,467 patients are in critical condition and of those infected, 903,998 have gained recovery.

The coronavirus has infected over 77.7 million people so far around the world, of whom close to 1.71 million have died and more than 54.6 million have recovered.

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