US faces extraordinary humiliation as Europeans refuse to meet with Pompeo

Young journalists club

News ID: 50190
Publish Date: 13:40 - 13 January 2021
Wednesday, 13 January 2021 _European leaders have refused to meet with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, forcing him to cancel a trip to Europe, and the US envoy to the United Nations (UN) has scrapped a trip to Taiwan, as the administration of US President Donald Trump faces extraordinary humiliation in its final days.

US faces extraordinary humiliation as Europeans refuse to meet with PompeoPompeo had sought to meet Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn of Luxembourg, a wealthy NATO ally, before meeting EU leaders and the bloc’s top diplomat in Brussels, Reuters reported.

But the plan to go to Luxembourg was scrapped after officials there showed reluctance to grant Pompeo appointments.

And there were no meetings on Pompeo’s schedule with EU officials or any public events at NATO on a planned trip to Brussels.

One unnamed source told Reuters that allies in Europe were “embarrassed” by Pompeo following the storming of the US Capitol building by a mob of US President Donald Trump supporters last Wednesday that left five people dead.

Trump on Wednesday incited the mob to storm the US Capitol building as lawmakers were in the process of confirming the victory of President-elect Joe Biden.

Asselborn, Luxembourg’s foreign minister, had called Trump a “criminal” and a “political pyromaniac” on RTL Radio the next day.

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