Fighting ISIL impossible without Tehran: Leader advisor

Young journalists club

News ID: 5060
Publish Date: 11:54 - 14 September 2014
Tehran, YJC. Velayati says that the coalition will not be able to fight ISIL without using Iran’s cooperation.

Ali Akbar Velayati, advisor to the Supreme Leader of Iran and head of the Strategic Research Center, speaking in a press conference on Saturday said "Those who played a role in the formation of ISIL and its rise to power, allowing the group to expand its action across Syria and Iraq, are now trying to fight the very same group. But we have to tell them that without cooperation with Iran, it will be impossible to fight ISIL or other regional terrorist groups.”

Velayati who was speaking jointly with the Mexican Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos Alberto de Icaza Gonzalez said that in the past years, he had made visits to Mexico as MP and Foreign Minister.

"There are many opportunities to improve the two countries’ relations, adding that the two countries’ trade relations are of high importance as well as security,” he stated.

He said that in recent years, Iran has increased its trade volume with South American countries including Mexico.

The Supreme Leader advisor also pointed out that the two countries hold long histories in fighting colonialism.

The Mexican Foreign Minister in turn said that he had visited Iran heading a large commercial delegation.

"The Mexican government would like to add countries from other regions to its traditional list of partners,” he said.

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