China dismisses West's ‘slanderous’ claims of genocide against Uighurs as 'political hype'

Young journalists club

News ID: 50725
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 13:44 - 23 February 2021
Monday, 22 February 2021_China has dismissed as “slanderous” allegations made by Western countries that Beijing is committing “genocide” against the Muslim Uighur minority in Xinjiang, inviting the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit the region.

China dismisses West's ‘slanderous’ claims of genocide against Uighurs as 'political hype'Addressing the UN Human Rights Council in Switzerland’s Geneva on Monday, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said there were 24,000 mosques in Xinjiang, where people of all ethnic groups also enjoyed labor rights.

“These basic facts show that there has never been so-called genocide, forced labor, or religious oppression in Xinjiang,” Wang added.

“Such inflammatory accusations are fabricated out of ignorance and prejudice, they are simply malicious and politically-driven hype and couldn’t be further from the truth,” he said.

Western governments have alleged that at least one million Muslims have been forced into camps in the autonomous Xinjiang region.

Beijing vehemently denies reports that Uighurs are unfairly treated and says it is addressing underdevelopment and a lack of jobs in heavily Uighur areas such as Xinjiang.

Chinese officials have also characterized the camps as “vocational education and employment training centers” for “criminals involved in minor offenses.”

Wang said on Monday that China was taking counter-terrorism measures in accordance with the law and that Xinjiang enjoyed “social stability and sound development” after four years without any “terrorist case.”

Wang also stressed that China welcomed human rights scrutiny from the UN.

“The door to Xinjiang is always open. People from many countries who have visited Xinjiang have learned the facts and the truth on the ground. China also welcomes the High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit Xinjiang,” he said, referring to the UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet.

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