Rights groups urge India to downscale Rohingya deportation plan

Young journalists club

News ID: 51015
Publish Date: 6:14 - 14 March 2021
Sunday, 14 March 2021 _This refugee camp in the suburbs of New Delhi is gripped in utter panic and despair; the members of the community fear that their turn is inevitable after hundreds were rounded last week and detained in Jammu region of Indian controlled Jammu and Kashmir for possible deportation according to police and local administration there.

Rights groups urge India to downscale Rohingya deportation planThe members of the community here are horrified and fearful about their fate. They say they are unwanted living beings which the world doesn’t care about. Minority Rohingya Muslims have for decades fled to neighboring Bangladesh and other countries, including India escaping genocide in their country. Estimates suggest some 40,000 Rohingya refugees are living across different states of India.

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