Turkish, US defense chiefs talk defense cooperation

Young journalists club

News ID: 51196
Publish Date: 20:41 - 01 April 2021
Thursday, 01 April 2021 (YJC)_ The defense chiefs of Turkey and the US held a phone call discussing regional security and bilateral defense cooperation.

Turkish, US defense chiefs talk defense cooperationThe defense chiefs of Turkey and the US held a phone call on Thursday, discussing regional security and bilateral defense cooperation.

Turkish National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin exchanged views and underlined the significance of strategic relations during the talk, according to Turkey's National Defense Ministry.

They emphasized the importance of developing a mutual understanding on the issue of regional and global security, as well as resolving issues based on their strategic partnership and the spirit of alliance.

The ministry added that Akar and Austin reaffirmed their commitment to closer cooperation and coordination, while strengthening military relations between the two countries.

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