Iran press review

Young journalists club

News ID: 512
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:25 - 16 March 2013
Tehran, YJC. Headlines of most important news in Iran today.

Tehran Emrooz

- Oil export increase despite sanctions

Jame Jam

- Ayatollah Jannati: One who destroys others is not qualified for candidacy

- Mahdavikia says goodbye to football

Jomhouri Eslami

- Jannati: Return of Chavez manipulation

- EU disagreement on ban for sending weapon to Syrian rebels

Rahe Mardom

- Parand new city to become official capital: Tehran Governor-general

Vatan Emrooz

- Pentagon: Iranian fighter over US drone


- Mohsen Rezaee: People must not suffer more

- Historical monuments wear out for poor preservation

Farhang o Eghtesad

- UN publishes: Iran new ranking in human development

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