Coronavirus wave forces Nepal to cremate bodies out in open

Young journalists club

News ID: 51653
Publish Date: 10:02 - 04 May 2021
Tuesday, 04 May 2021_Residents in Nepal's capital of Kathmandu have been forced to cremate bodies of COVID-19 victims out in the open on Monday (May 3), as cremation space at temples and crematoriums ran out amid raging coronavirus cases.

Coronavirus wave forces Nepal to cremate bodies out in openOn Sunday (May 2), the country's health ministry reported 7,137 new infections. The country has recorded a total number of 336,030 cases and 3,325 deaths.

The new wave of coronavirus infections, which has spilled across the Indian border into Nepal, has seen a shortage of hospital beds and medical supplies across the Himalayan nation.

In a statement issues on Friday (April 30), the country's health ministry said the situation has become "unmanageable". Kathmandu on Thursday (April 29) enforced a 15-day lockdown, hoping to curb infections.

Source: Reuters

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