Ethiopia declares ceasefire as rebels retake Tigray capital

Young journalists club

News ID: 52109
Publish Date: 9:10 - 29 June 2021
Tuesday, 29 June 2021 (YJC) _Ethiopia’s government declared a unilateral ceasefire in its northern Tigray region after rebel fighters retook Mekelle, the regional capital, following nearly eight months of conflict that the United Nations says has pushed 350,000 people to the brink of famine.

Ethiopia declares ceasefire as rebels retake Tigray capitalThe Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the former governing party in the region, said on Monday it was back in control of Mekelle, and residents reported seeing troops in Tigray regional uniforms in the city for the first time since November.

“The capital of Tigray, Mekelle, is under our control,” Getachew Reda, spokesperson for the TPLF, told Reuters news agency by satellite phone.

Al Jazeera’s correspondent Malcolm Webb speaking from Nairobi, Kenya, said there were reports of people “celebrating in the streets … and local residents shooting fireworks”.

The statement on the “immediate, unilateral” ceasefire on Monday carried by state media came shortly after the Tigray interim administration, appointed by the federal government after routing TPLF forces, fled Mekelle and called for a truce to allow desperately needed aid to be delivered.

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