Iranian Official: Next govt. to have dynamic relations with East, West

Young journalists club

News ID: 52255
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:54 - 13 July 2021
Tuesday,13 July 2021 (YJC) _ Iranian Parliament Speaker’s Special Aide for the International Affairs said the next government will have dynamic relations with East and West.

Iranian Official: Next govt. to have dynamic relations with East, WestIn a message on his twitter account on Tuesday, the Iranian Parliament Speaker’s Special Aide for the International Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said the next government will have dynamic relations with East and West.

“Given the backgrounds, performances & positions of president-elect Dr. #Raisi, the priorities of #Iran's foreign policy will be the balanced foreign relations, active, dynamic relationships with the East & the West along w/ particular attention to neighboring states and Asia,” he wrote.

The vice-speaker of the Iranian Parliament said the swearing-in ceremony for President-elect Ebrahim Raeisi will be held on Thursday, August 5 and the arrangements for the swearing-in ceremony are being made.

It is also expected that the country hosts a number of foreign guests in the event.

Raeisi won the June 18 presidential election by garnering over 62 percent of the votes.

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