US commander stresses America’s readiness to prevent attack on South Korea

Young journalists club

News ID: 52265
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 22:49 - 14 July 2021
Wednesday,14 July 2021 (YJC) _ the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command said The United States is maintaining a “full readiness posture” to prevent an armed attack on South Korea.

US commander stresses America’s readiness to prevent attack on South KoreaThe United States is maintaining a “full readiness posture” to prevent an armed attack on South Korea, the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) said Wednesday, as the two allies prepare to hold joint military drills next month.

Adm. Charles Richard made the remarks during his first visit to South Korea since he assumed his position in Nov. 2019, according to Seoul’s Ministry of Defense (MOD).

“The Commander … stressed that USSTRATCOM has a perfect readiness posture regarding the U.S. policy on [providing] extended deterrence to the Republic of Korea, which President Biden reaffirmed during the ROK-U.S. summit meeting in May,” MOD said in a press release on Wednesday.

USSTRATCOM is one of 11 unified commands under the U.S. Department of Defense and is in charge of nuclear operations, managing deterrence for both Washington and its allies.

In a meeting with Richard on Wednesday, South Korean defense minister Suh Wook emphasized the need to maintain close coordination between the military authorities of the two countries in order to “deter North Korea’s nuclear and missile threat,” according to the ministry.

Richard is set to meet South Korea’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Won In-choul and other top military officials during his visit to discuss the allies’ deterrence posture. The meetings come a few weeks ahead of U.S.-ROK joint drills slated to begin in August.

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