Hakim appreciates Sheikh Zakzaki's patience in elevating the truth

Young journalists club

News ID: 52479
Publish Date: 15:41 - 03 August 2021
Tuesday ,3 August 2021 (YJC)_ In a message, the leader of the Iraqi National Wisdom Movement expressed his satisfaction with the release of Sheikh Zakzaki and praised his patience.

Hakim appreciates Sheikh Zakzaki's patience in elevating the truthSayyed Ammar Hakim, the leader of the Iraqi National Wisdom Movement, wrote in a message expressing his happiness over the release of Sheikh Zakzaki.

He also stressed in this message, emphasizing the necessity of freeing all prisoners of thought and the necessity of refraining from any restrictions for them: We congratulate Mr. Sheikh Zakzaki on his beautiful patience in the way of the sublime goal and the exaltation of the truth.

A court in Nigeria recently acquitted Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaki, leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, and his wife of all charges.

The Nigerian government has so far denied Zakzaki's release on various pretexts and has not even allowed him access to medical care.

In recent months, as Zakzaki's physical condition has deteriorated, human rights groups have repeatedly called for the release of Nigeria's Shiite leader.

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