South Korea's continued support to revive JCPOA

Young journalists club

News ID: 52518
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:01 - 05 August 2021
Thursday, 5 August 2021 (YJC)_ South Korea's deputy foreign minister wrote in a tweet after his meeting with the Araghchi: "Korea's diplomatic support for efforts to revive JCPAO will continue."

South Korea's continued support to revive JCPOASouth Korea's Deputy Foreign Minister and Special Envoy of the President Choi Jong-kan, who traveled to Tehran to attend the inauguration of Hojjatoleslam Raeisi, met yesterday with Sayyed Abbas Araghchi, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He wrote on its Twitter page: "Here in Tehran, I had very constructive and fruitful meetings with Abbas Araghchi and Enrique Mora (EU Deputy Foreign Minister).
He added that Korea's diplomatic support to revive JCPOA would continue. It is of great importance for the world peace process and the Korean Peninsula.

During the meeting, Araqchi called it unacceptable to link Iran's blocked foreign exchange resources in Seoul with the JCPOA talks.
Referring to his three trips to Tehran in less than six months, Choi Jong-kan said that it was due to the will and desire of the Korean government to develop relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran and stressed that the Korean government is determined to make every effort to resolve Problems, including lifting restrictions on Iran's foreign exchange resources in this country.

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