South Korea: Seoul talks open on Japan

Young journalists club

News ID: 52711
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:43 - 15 August 2021
Sunday, 15 August 2021 (YJC)_The South Korean president has said he is ready to talk about strengthening ties with Tokyo, despite his country's historic differences with Japan.

South Korea: Seoul talks open on JapanAccording to Reuters, the South Korean president said that his government is still ready to negotiate with Japan to strengthen cooperation and at the same time solve historical problems that have long overshadowed bilateral relations.

"Despite historical differences, we are ready to talk about strengthening our relations with Japan," South Korean President Moon Jae-in said today (Sunday) in a speech marking the 76th anniversary of post-World War II independence from Japanese colonial rule in 1910-1945.

He added that the two neighboring countries should work together to overcome problems and strengthen cooperation based on the common values ​​of democracy and market economy.

"We intend to resolve the historical issues between ourselves and Japan through actions and practices that are in line with global values ​​and the standards of the international community," he said.

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