Yemeni Defense Minister's message to his Syrian counterpart and emphasis on Sanaa's solidarity with Damascus

Young journalists club

News ID: 52821
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 12:26 - 20 August 2021
Friday, 20 August 2021 (YJC)_ In a message to the Syrian Defense Minister, the Minister of Defense of the Yemeni National Salvation Government stressed the solidarity of the Yemeni Armed Forces with Syria to counter overt foreign intervention.

Yemeni Defense Minister's message to his Syrian counterpart and emphasis on Sanaa's solidarity with DamascusThe Minister of Defense of the Yemeni National Salvation Government, Mohammad Nasser Al-Atefi, sent a congratulatory message to his Syrian counterpart, Ali Abdullah Ayub, on the occasion of his retention in the post in the new Syrian government.

Al-Atefi expressed hope in the message about strengthening ties and coordination between the two armies and the brotherly nation of Syria and Yemen, adding that the Yemeni armed forces, along with the brothers in Syria, are standing against overt foreign interference, according to the Al-Sahafa Al-Sahafa newspaper.

He praised the fierce struggle of the Syrian armed forces and the defeat of the aggressors and the global arrogance.

On August 14, members of Syria's new cabinet, headed by Hussein Arnous, were sworn in in the presence of President Bashar al-Assad four days after the announcement of the new government.

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