Biden Security Adviser: We do not trust the Taliban; The process of leaving Afghanistan is complex

Young journalists club

News ID: 52914
Publish Date: 9:59 - 24 August 2021
Tuesday, 24 August 2021 (YJC)_ The White House National Security Adviser said the United States was in contact with the Taliban about its operation at Kabul airport, claiming that there was a possibility of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization regaining power in Afghanistan.

Biden Security Adviser: We do not trust the Taliban; The process of leaving Afghanistan is complexWhite House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said Monday evening that the process of removing foreign nationals from Kabul airport was "very complicated and dangerous."

"We are ready for any operation that may be carried out by ISIS, al-Qaeda or any other terrorist organization in Afghanistan," Sullivan told a news conference at the White House.

"We are taking important steps and a week ago no one expected us to be able to evacuate 37,000 people," he said, according to the White House news website.

"We are consulting with the Taliban on all aspects of our exit and operations inside the airport," the US official said, adding that the process of leaving Afghanistan was "complex, dangerous and fraught with challenges."

"There is a possibility that al-Qaeda may re-establish its capabilities in Afghanistan," said the White House National Security Adviser, claiming that some terrorist organizations may gain power in Afghanistan. "We do not trust the Taliban because we saw horrible images when they were in power."

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