Berlin accuses Moscow of cyber attack on German parliament

Young journalists club

News ID: 53233
Publish Date: 19:55 - 06 September 2021
Monday, 6 September 2021 (YJC)_ A German Foreign Ministry spokesman claimed that the recent attack on the German parliament was the work of Russian government agents.

Berlin accuses Moscow of cyber attack on German parliamentThe German Foreign Ministry has blamed Russia for a cyber attack on the German parliament.

As Germany prepares for the general election, a German Foreign Ministry spokesman told reporters in Berlin on Monday that Russia was responsible for another cyber attack on the German parliament, according to Reuters.

A German Foreign Ministry spokesman claimed:
The German government has reliable information that can be used to attribute cyber-attacks to the Russian government or its intelligence arm.

The German diplomat said that such behavior is unacceptable and threatening for Germany, adding:
The federal government calls on Russia to end these measures immediately.

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