EU lawmakers to call for military investment after Kabul chaos

Young journalists club

News ID: 53419
Publish Date: 22:34 - 16 September 2021
Thursday, 16 September 2021 (YJC)_ The European Parliament referred for the 27-nation bloc to strengthen its defence cooperation.

EU lawmakers to call for military investment after Kabul chaosThe European Parliament is set to call on Thursday for the 27-nation bloc to strengthen its defense cooperation and investment to become more independent of the United States after the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“The EU must invest in military awareness, surveillance and reconnaissance, intelligence and strategic airlift,” according to a draft resolution set to be approved later in Strasbourg.

The non-binding decision famous the shortcoming of European forces to safe an airport resembling Kabul for evacuations with out U.S. help.

The parliament additionally criticised the U.S. planning of a drawdown from Afghanistan that EU lawmakers mentioned was unilateral and with out adequate coordination with NATO allies, a lot of that are EU members.

The decision labelled the chaotic withdrawal a collective failure of Western international and safety coverage that, within the short-term, damages the credibility of the West.

The dependency on Washington for evacuations from Afghanistan has triggered recent discussions within the European Union in regards to the institution of a fast response pressure.

eu ، US ، afghanistan
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