Shaheen: Afghanistan's seat in the UN should be handed over to the Taliban

Young journalists club

News ID: 53733
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:17 - 02 October 2021
Saturday,2 October 2021 (YJC)_ A spokesman for the Taliban's political office in Qatar said the previous government in Kabul had been overthrown and Afghanistan's seat at the United Nations should be handed over to the Taliban.

Shaheen: Afghanistan's seat in the UN should be handed over to the TalibanSoheil Shaheen, a spokesman for the Taliban's political bureau in Qatar and a candidate for Afghanistan's seat at the United Nations, called for the seat to be handed over to the Taliban.

Shaheen said the previous government in Kabul had been overthrown and representatives of the ousted government could no longer represent Afghanistan at the United Nations.

He added:
Everyone knows that the government of Kabul has completely collapsed, it does not have any conditions of sovereignty, while the Taliban has all the conditions of a government, it has the sovereignty and support of all sections of the Afghan people. Therefore, we hope that the United Nations will hand over Afghanistan to the Taliban in accordance with its principles.

Although the United Nations extended the term of Ghulam Ishaqozi, a member of the ousted government, he did not address the Ninth General Assembly.

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