The order of the IRGC commander to provide any assistance to the earthquake victims of Hormozgan province

Young journalists club

News ID: 54525
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 8:33 - 15 November 2021
Monday, 15 November 2021 (YJC)_ The IRGC spokesman informed General Salami of the order of the units of this organization based in Hormozgan province to provide any assistance to the earthquake victims of this province.

The order of the IRGC commander to provide any assistance to the earthquake victims of Hormozgan provinceSardar Ramazan Sharif, spokesman and head of public relations of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps following the earthquake this afternoon in Hormozgan province, announced the order of General Hossein Salami to prepare all rapid reaction, relief and medical units of the IRGC based in this province.

He added:
By the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC, all relief and medical capacities of the IRGC Navy, Imam Sajjad Corps of Hormozgan Province and other units stationed in the region are now fully prepared to help our dear compatriots and the crisis headquarters to enter, if necessary.

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