Hamas: Morocco's alliance with the Zionists does not serve the interests of the Arab countries

Young journalists club

News ID: 54764
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:15 - 28 November 2021
Sunday, 28 November 2021 (YJC)_ Hamas said that Morocco's attempt to sign several agreements with the Zionist regime could not be justified in any way, and that Rabat should withdraw from the big mistake against the Palestinian people and the Arab countries.

Hamas: Morocco's alliance with the Zionists does not serve the interests of the Arab countriesThe Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement issued statements condemning the signing of several agreements, especially the military and security agreement between Morocco and the Zionist regime.

According to Al-Mayadin, the statement reads:
Morocco's attempt to sign an agreement with Morocco is not justified by any motive or excuse.

Hamas stressed:
The strategic interests of the Arab nation, of which Morocco is a part, are not achieved through alliance with the enemy.

The movement added:
The historical position of Morocco and the role of its people towards Palestine are not compatible with the normalization of relations and alliance with the enemy.

Hamas condemned Morocco's reception of Israeli War Minister Bani Gantz, saying:
Rabat's hosting of a war criminal was a big mistake for the Palestinian people and an ideal for it.

The movement eventually called on the Maghreb regime to immediately withdraw from normalization with Tel Aviv and sever ties with the Zionist regime.

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