Naeem Qasim: The fall of the occupying regime is inevitable; the peace of the region depends on the liberation of Palestine

Young journalists club

News ID: 54767
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:11 - 28 November 2021
Sunday, 28 November 2021 (YJC)_ Hezbollah's deputy said that the issue of liberating Palestine was only a matter of time. Palestine is the center. If it calms down and is liberated, the whole region will be liberated.

Naeem Qasim: The fall of the occupying regime is inevitable; the peace of the region depends on the liberation of Palestine"The movement continues to arm, prepare, train and mobilize forces to be ready for any battle that the Zionist regime may impose and not leave the enemy's attack unanswered," said Naeem Qasim, deputy secretary general of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

According to the Al-Ahd news website, he said at an Arab conference to help prisoners and detainees in Israeli prisons that the fall of the occupying Zionist regime was inevitable and that it was only a matter of time. The legitimacy of this regime is impossible despite the resistance.

Naeem Qasim then addressed the Palestinian Mujahideen:
Know that Hezbollah is with you and believes in victory.

He added:
The voices of protest against Hezbollah in Lebanon and the region are heard because Hezbollah stands in the stronghold of resistance and alongside the issue of Palestine and the liberation of the land and humanity. These protests are in fact a reflection of the failed approaches of the United States and the compromisers, and they have no effect on us.

Naeem Qasim continued:
Because they are receiving aid and facilities from the United States and some countries in the Persian Gulf, they are currently making tempting election proposals by declaring opposition to Hezbollah weapons, but the elections will reveal their normal size.

Addressing those who believe that defending Palestine is not their responsibility, he said:
Everyone should know that Palestine is the center. If it calms down and is liberated, the whole region will be liberated, and if Palestine remains occupied, it means that the whole region is in danger of Israel.

Naeem Qasim called the support of the Palestinian resistance an Islamic and Arab duty for all the free people of the world, the results of which do not only include Palestine, but the whole region.

He added:
When we are with the Palestinian resistance, it means that we are with the independence of our countries and their defense. Resistance is the solution to the recapture of land and the release of prisoners, especially in the light of the current conspiracy and international cooperation with Israel.

Hezbollah's deputy emphasized:
All the proposals made for the Palestinian question, whether under the heading of "settlement" or "peace", are in fact solutions to destroy the Palestinian question and give legitimacy to the occupier. Hezbollah opposes all this. Palestinian armed resistance is the only way to restore land and sanctuaries.

He continued:
The normalization of relations between some Arab countries and the Zionist regime is the weakest peace and the most humiliating position, and they have made a big mistake if they think that they are protecting their monarchy by normalization. They betrayed and their action was to completely shrug off their support for the Palestinian cause.

Naeem Qasim also announced about the Palestinian prisoners:
They are in the prisons of the Zionist regime because they defended their country and want to be released from the occupiers. There are 5,000 prisoners and detainees in Israeli prisons, including 40 women, 200 children and 500 temporary detainees.

In the end, he greeted the support of Iran and Syria and the support of the resistance in Lebanon and the whole region for the Palestinian issue, and praised all the contributions to the resistance to stand against the "New Middle East" project and the projects of disintegration of the region.

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