Fighters from the invading Saudi coalition bombed Sanaa

Young journalists club

News ID: 54867
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:31 - 04 December 2021
Saturday, 4 December 2021 (YJC)_ Fighters from the Saudi aggression coalition twice bombed areas near Sanaa International Airport on Saturday morning.

Fighters from the invading Saudi coalition bombed SanaaFighters from the Saudi aggression coalition twice bombed areas near Sanaa International Airport on Saturday morning.

Meanwhile, Al-Alam News Network reported that a bloody Saudi coalition airstrike on a city in Taiz province killed at least 18 Yemeni citizens.

According to reports, 8 women and children were among those killed and wounded in the Saudi airstrike.

This crime of the Saudi coalition took place at the same time as the attacks of these aggressors and its mercenaries in the West Bank.

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