Shamkhani: Only through the cooperation of the countries in the region will stability and lasting security be established

Young journalists club

News ID: 54901
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:27 - 06 December 2021
Monday, 6 December 2021 (YJC)_ The UAE National Security Advisor met this morning with Admiral Shamkhani, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran.

Shamkhani: Only through the cooperation of the countries in the region will stability and lasting security be establishedSheikh Tahnoon Benzayed, National Security Advisor of the United Arab Emirates, arrived in Tehran this morning and met with Admiral Ali Shamkhani, Representative of the Supreme Leader and Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In this meeting, Admiral Shamkhani stated that lasting stability and security will be established only in the shadow of continuous dialogue and cooperation between the countries of the region; said:
Warm and friendly relations with neighbors and exchange of economic, trade and investment capacities are the main priorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of foreign policy.

In this meeting, the Secretary of our Supreme National Security Council stressed the need for the relations between the countries of the region to be unaffected by the interventionist policies of the trans-regional countries and noted:
The countries of the Persian Gulf, if they cooperate and work together, can play an important role in the regional and world economy while creating development and prosperity for their nations as an energy hub.

He stressed the need to work together to end some of the military and security crises that have plagued Muslim nations in the region.
Dialogue and dialogue should replace military approaches to resolving disputes.

Shamkhani expressed hope that the visit of his Emirati counterpart to Iran would be the beginning of a new round of relations between us and lay the groundwork for the consolidation and comprehensive expansion of relations between the two countries.

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