Hamas: The fire of the revolution in the West Bank will not be extinguished except by expelling the occupiers

Young journalists club

News ID: 55448
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 14:20 - 12 January 2022
A spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) stressed the need to continue the revolution in the West Bank until the ousting of the Zionist occupiers and settlers.

Hamas: The fire of the revolution in the West Bank will not be extinguished except by expelling the occupiersHamas spokesman Hazem Qasim reacted to the wounding of a Zionist soldier who was hit by a Palestinian vehicle near the town of Helmish, west of Ramallah.

Qasim stated that the operation once again showed that we are facing a revolutionary action throughout the West Bank.

According to the Anatolian News Agency, the Hamas spokesman also said that the spread of resistance in the West Bank cities is a natural response to the existence of the occupiers, their criminal policies against the Palestinian people, the sanctities of this nation and its heroic captives.

He stressed that the fire of the revolution in the West Bank will not be extinguished except by expelling the Zionist occupiers and settlers.

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