Saudi ambassador to Lebanon re-attacked Hezbollah

Young journalists club

News ID: 55453
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 11:47 - 13 January 2022
Thursday, 13 January 2022 (YJC)_ Although Hezbollah officials have repeatedly said in recent days that attacks on the movement will not work, Saudi attacks on Hezbollah continue.

Saudi ambassador to Lebanon re-attacked HezbollahThe Saudis' verbal attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon continue. This time, Waleed al-Bukhari, the Saudi ambassador to Lebanon, once again tweeted against Hezbollah, claiming that Hezbollah operates above the Lebanese government.

He claimed in this tweet:
To pass over the pains and hopes of the brotherly Lebanese nation is nothing but to ignore the obvious reality before the eyes of the Lebanese and to deliberately deny the fact that the terrorist Hezbollah seeks to tarnish the logic of the state and defeat its political choices.

Al-Bukhari, speaking to AFP about a week ago, had made accusations against the Hezbollah movement.

Al-Bukhari, without mentioning Riyadh's actions in various countries, including Yemen, claimed:
Hezbollah's terrorist activities and military behavior threaten Arab national security.

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