Hezbollah: The killing of the Yemeni people is the aggressors' revenge for the defeat on the battlefield

Young journalists club

News ID: 55558
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 8:36 - 22 January 2022
Saturday, 22 January 2022 (YJC)_ Hezbollah in Lebanon said in a statement that the heinous massacre of the Yemeni people confirms the brutality of the invading forces and the desperate attempt to avenge their defeat on the battlefield.

Hezbollah: The killing of the Yemeni people is the aggressors' revenge for the defeat on the battlefieldLebanese Hezbollah condemned the horrific massacre perpetrated by the Saudi coalition in Yemen, which left dozens dead and hundreds injured among Yemeni women, children and men.

According to Al-Manar, a statement from Hezbollah reads:
This heinous massacre confirms the brutality of the aggressor and evil forces and the absence of all their humanitarian, moral and religious values, as well as a desperate attempt to avenge the disgraceful defeat in the battlefield.

Lebanese Hezbollah stressed:
As we mourn the deadly silence that surrounds the world in the face of this heinous massacre, we call on all freedmen, wherever they are, to stand with the oppressed people of Yemen and condemn this crime and the aggressor forces.

The movement added:
We believe that our dear people, who have endured hardships and pains in the past years, can take a strong step towards defeating the aggression and achieving victory.

At the end of this statement:
We offer our condolences to the dear people of Yemen and their esteemed leadership for this tragedy, and we ask God Almighty for mercy and exaltation for the dear martyrs and immediate healing for the wounded.

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