Ahmadinejad in Ashgabat

Young journalists club

News ID: 561
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:38 - 21 March 2013
Tehran, YJC. The President has made a speech during his visit to Turkmenistan for New Year Celebrations.

Ahmadinejad said in his speech "Although the human history has always experienced the harsh winter of injustice, but as tough as it may be, winter cannot prevent the coming of the spring. Spring will come because it is God’s word.”

The President believed the spring to be a manifestation of life which makes a new appearance each year, saying "The life of nature is a representation of the soul of life breathed into the world and God is the source of life who respires life perpetually into the world.”

Ahmadinejad asserted "The human spring which is above the natural spring is the burgeoning of human life. A life replete with beauty. Rationality, as man’s essence, stands at the peak of this beauty, that is why the Prophet (PBUH) as the logos contains all of the world’s beauties.”

He said that one must try to disseminate the human spring which means to spread love, equality, and freedom under the administration of the righteous and the complete man.

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