Medical bills/medical sanctions: A tale of two cities united by drugs

Young journalists club

News ID: 576
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:54 - 23 March 2013
Tehran, YJC. Recently Time has given a full feature to medical bills in the US, to how galactically unproportionate medical bills in the US are to what services patients really receive. Does not that remotely spur one to make comparisons with sanctions on Iranian healthcare?

Time nicely indicates the import of the issue by saying "For the first time in our history, we are devoting the entire feature section of the magazine to a single story by one writer: a powerful examination of America's health care costs.”

Now, that is how big the issue is. To compare it to something more tangible, you have to add a few zeros before how much the US arms industry makes to arrive roughly at the $2.8-trillion-worth US medical market."Why are we paying so much?” Time demands. Why do American’s have to spend one fifth of their gross domestic product on healthcare?

"Why do we spend nearly 20% of our gross domestic product on health care, twice as much as most other developed countries, which get the same or better health outcomes? Why, Brill asks, does America spend more on health care than the next 10 highest-spending countries combined?”

The report which has been written be Steve Brill follows the US healthcare system down to how much hospitals really make out of acetaminophen.

Time defines Brill as "[T]he founder of Court TV and American Lawyer and the CEO of Journalism Online, [...] one of America's premier--and most dogged—journalists.”

While Brill, sure enough as well as the millions of Americans who pay unfair prices for their health, nag why they have to spend on drugs more "than the next 10 highest-spending countries combined”, let us give heed to the Iranians who complain, with their special-diseases patients wasted in hospital beds: why haven’t we got enough drugs to cure our dear ones?

Reports have been going around that the real victims of the sanctions on Iranian medical import are those who need the drugs, the innocent people who would have been with their families this New Year but simply didn’t receive their medication. Now the question is "Don’t the American and Iranian nations seem somehow similar in this regard? Aren’t they joint victims of their deprivation of a human development?”

Sure enough what goes about in the US healthcare is all about the money that the US healthcare system makes out of it. The issue is so touchy that even governments do not approach it: it is the special province of special individuals, America’s 51st state, shall we say.

Now there arises the question ‘which of the two nations has got a better position?’ Are Americans luckier to have the drug they need at last no matter how much they have to pay to get it; or is it the Iranian people before whom brighter prospects are laid?

As for the American nation, the issue of medical prices has been a long story. Different people have put years of their lives into the crusade against medical monopoly. The fight has begun, but how much progress it has made and how much it is to make are questionable, given the solid system into which the criticism intends to breach.

On the other side, the Iranian nation is backed by its ruling system. While sanctions exert pressure on the outside, the government does anything in its power to make up for them. From boosting domestic medical production to facilitating scholarly and technical research, the Iranian government has set for tapping into Iranian expertise to reduce the effects of shortage in the medical market.

What remains is for everyone who suffers either the bills or the sanctions is to cross our fingers in hope of developments for both nations.

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