US seeking Russia and China participation to prob chemical attack in Syria

Young journalists club

News ID: 594
Publish Date: 10:29 - 26 March 2013
TEHRAN, YJC. - The United States wants Russian and Chinese experts to take part in a UN probe into a possible use of chemical weapons in Syria.
US Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell told a news briefing on Tuesday.

For his part, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich urged UN chief Ban Ki-moon "to show a responsible approach to providing an objectivity of the probe into this specific incident in Syria.”

He warned against politicizing the process of forming the UN’s technical mission in Syria, something that Lukashevich said should be based on an unbiased approach and stipulate the participation of representatives of Russia and China.

In this regard Russia's proposal to send its expert as part of the Syria-bound commission tasked with investigating the alleged chemical attack near Aleppo was not supported by the United Nations Secretariat, said Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin, chairing the Security Council this month.

Earlier UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the investigation after Damascus accused militants of using chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Aleppo on March 19.

Both Syrian Government and rebels have accused each other using chemical weapons. But no one took the responsibility of the event so far.


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