Erdogan to visit Tehran

Young journalists club

News ID: 6583
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 20:04 - 14 March 2015
Tehran, YJC. Erdogan is going to travel to Iran in about one month
Iran said on Saturday that it plans to sign 12 cooperation agreement with Turkey during the upcoming visit to Tehran by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The Iranian Communications and Information Technology Minister Mahmoud Vaezi said the agreements mostly address cooperation between Iran and Turkey over energy, trade, health, transportation, and customs relations.

In January 2014, Iran and Turkey signed a preferential trade agreement with the goal of boosting bilateral trade.

125 items of Iranian goods and 140 items of Turkish goods will be traded according to the preferential agreement.

The trade balance between Iran and Turkey in the first half of 2014 stood at $6.5 billion, according to data released by Turkish Statistical Institute.

He said the outlines of the agreements have been finalized in meetings with the visiting Turkish Minister of Development and the Turkish President’s Special Aide Cevdet Yilmaz.

Yilmaz and the Iranian communications minister have been appointed by the Turkish and Iranian presidents for coordinating Erdoğan’s visit to Tehran.

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