Syria can restore its stability

Young journalists club

News ID: 6980
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:49 - 01 January 2017
Iranian President, Hassn Rouhani, says Iran, Syria, and Russia could restore Syria to its stability and security through future planning and unity.

 "Aleppo victory showed to Takfiries that the wrong way they have adopted by blood-shedding  and crime would never succeed”  Rouhani said in a meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Vallid al-Muallem.

Rouhani hoped that the measures taken for solving Syria crisis lead to Damascus sovereignty over the country, Syrians’ security, and protecting the country’s territorial integrity. "After Aleppo victory a good condition has been created to take field measures against terrorists and restore Syria to its stability and security” he said.
He remarked that the Islamic republic of Iran has always been supporting Syria in different political arenas and will keep on this support. He added that Iran, Syria, and Russia could restore Syria to its stability and security through future planning and unity.

Valid al-Muallem also conveyed Assad’s appreciations messages to Iran’s nation and government and said that no doubt  the comprehensive supports of Islamic Republic significantly strengthened Syrian nation’s spirit of resistance against the terrorists and will do so.

Emphasizing the more cooperation among the 3 countries, Mo’allem expressed the significant role of Iran within the region and called for Tehran’s developing its supports of  and strengthening ties with Damascus.

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