Tags - Pakaein

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Tags - Pakaein
Tehran, YJC. -- Iran’s Ambassador to Baku Mohsen Pakaein called three fields of trade, energy and transit as the important fields for cooperation between Iran and Azerbaijan Republic.
News ID: 3875    Publish Date : 2014/04/09

The Iranian defense ministry is due to send a delegation to Russia to discuss delivery of a substitute for S-300 defense shield, a legislator revealed on Monday.
News ID: 3206    Publish Date : 2014/01/14

Baku, YJC. -- Iran's Ambassador to Baku Mohsen Pakaein said here on Monday that countries which are committed to provide security in the world, especially the UN Security Council members should feel responsibility about consequences of a military move against Syria.
News ID: 2002    Publish Date : 2013/08/28