Tehran, YJC. -- Kavakebian has said that he will not approve of Hashemi and Khatami as the only decision-making Reformists.
Mostafa Kavakebian said in interview with a local News Agency "I support arbitration among the Reformists where the

arbitrators are chosen by the electoral candidates so that the arbitration jury will introduce their selected person. The jury may also consist of Khatami and Hashemi, but we do not approve of it if only Khatami and Hashemi make decisions.”
Regarding public participation in the elections, Kavakebian said "All in all 14 million people did not vote for Ahmadinejad. Now they want to vote again. I do not approve of it if rivalry is restricted to the Principalists and Reformists are left out of the ring.
He also believed that the incumbent administration was the result of Principalist workings, adding that they as well must bear the burden of all the problems of the past 8 years.
Kavakebian also provided comments on developments in Syria and stressed the need for observing national interests instead of insisting on certain individuals.
He said that he has supported talks with the Syrian opposition in the Majlis and he believes that they must be heard.
He added "Our support for national interests must be defined within international rules. The first step is to make mutual understandings with neighbor, Arab, and Islamic countries. We hold the most extensive economic relations with Turkey. But in the self same Turkey they plan how to remove Bashar Assad. This is interpreted as double dealings of the diplomatic system.”