Iran holds Canada responsible for court ruling

Young journalists club

News ID: 10922
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:25 - 05 July 2017
TEHRAN, July 5, YJC -Iran has rejected the ruling of a Canadian court requiring Iran to pay around $1.7 billion in damages to “American victims of terrorism,” saying the move is inconsistent with international procedures.

Iran holds Canada responsible for court ruling

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi on Tuesday stressed that issuing verdict against a foreign government is contrary to the principle of equality of states and violates their immunity within the international law.

On Monday night, Ontario’s Court of Appeal upheld a US$1.7-billion ruling against the Iran in favor of “American victims of terrorism”, rejecting Iran’s appeal and immunity, arguing that doing so would be a breach of Canada’s Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act (JVTA). 

The complaints were first filed in the US but the families of victims of terror attacks mostly blamed on Hamas and Hezbollah turned to Canada after finding out that the Iranian government had more properties and bank accounts there. Iran has argued that the victims had to prove the country's role in each attack instead of relying on the US baseless accusations.

Ghasemi went on to add, “the Islamic Republic of Iran preserves the right to file complaints and pursue the ruling.”

“Regardless of division of branches in Canada, the country’s government is directly responsible for any material and moral damage that such unlawful measures may cause,” he stressed.

Source: MNA

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