Vahidi: France resiles to Middle Ages to support Syrian terrorism

Young journalists club

News ID: 1135
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:36 - 20 May 2013
Tehran, YJC. The Defense Minister has severely criticized recent statements by his French counterpart, saying that the statements reveal a lingering colonial thinking.

Answering recent statements by the French Minister of Defense where the he demanded tightened sanctions on Iran, Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said "These statements reveal two things. First, they show that the colonial nature is still vibrant in the French officials, something which is to regret when one sees the successors of such great inheritance as the French Revolution speak from such arrogant, colonialist position.”

"Second, by such statements they admitted that sanctions have been ineffective so far,” he continued.

Vahidi also condemned French support for terrorism in Syria and said "Instead of such inimical, anti-humanistic statements, the French Minister of Defense and other officials of the country would better look for a way out of the problems which currently afflict the French.”

"Maybe if a small part of the sanctions currently imposed on Iran were to be directed at France the French would miss out on their bread and butter as well. That is because despite its strong economic relations with the entire world, France suffers financial and economic problems which have also destabilized its incumbent officials,” he stated.

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